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Friday, November 15, 2019

Need Help?

CAPSA is a nonprofit support center for individuals and families impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault, and rape.

One of CAPSA’s core services is the Emergency Shelter, a service for all individuals (men, women, LGBTQ+, adults and their children) who are fleeing abuse. The Shelter provides a foundation for these survivors to build from and is set up to ensure safety and meet basic needs so they can heal.

Shelter is designed as a home, complete with a large kitchen stocked with essentials, a laundry room, and private, family-size bedrooms. Beds are furnished with Malouf sheets and handmade quilts to ensure clients feel safe and can sleep.

Most survivors who come to CAPSA’s Shelter are fleeing dangerous situations, but the service is utilized by people who have been displaced due to domestic violence, abuse, and rape.

Survivors in the Shelter meet with Caseworkers who help develop personalized safety and action plans to identify, address, and overcome specific barriers in their lives. All CAPSA’s services are available to clients in Shelter to help, including those designed to assist with finding jobs and long-term housing.

Often, survivors arrive lacking basic necessities such as shoes and winter clothes, having fled dangerous situations without time to prepare. When they make it to CAPSA, we help provide for their needs.

CAPSA works to help quickly reach long-term solutions for Shelter clients. This means being safe, helping file Protective Orders, finding jobs, housing, signing up for food stamps, and addressing other needs. We focus our resources on clients’ specific needs, giving them the tools to begin rebuilding their lives. 

Please, call CAPSA’s Support Line at 435-753-2500 if you are fleeing abuse and need help for you or your children. 

To schedule a presentation on CAPSA’s services for your group or business, email

Bryce Lancaster

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