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Saturday, May 15, 2021

COVID 19 Mask Requirement

 Dear Rich School District Parents:

While House Bill 294 ends the statewide mask requirements in most places on April 10th, it also stipulates that the K-12 school mask requirement does not end until June 15. Therefore, all schools throughout Utah are required to continue the expectation that masks be worn by order of the Governor’s office and the Utah Department of Health.

Although differing opinions about masks exist, a school district board of education has no legal authority to alter the mask expectation before June 15. The Board, the Superintendent, a principal, or a classroom teacher do not hold the authority to change the mask order. Concerns regarding mask issues should be addressed to state officials.

Many teachers and community members have received the vaccination. However, state guidelines require that all adults and students continue to wear a mask while at school, on school property, at on and off-campus school functions, and while riding a school bus.


Rich School District

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