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Saturday, June 19, 2021

Eighteen Wheeler Philosophy

Pre Trip Research.

By Mel Hanson

This is my Great Newfool, William Glen Calvert. His Grandpa Hansen is my brother Glen. I think William looks a lot like his Grandpa. His Mother, Alexie, is Glen & Julie’s oldest daughter.

When I picked him up his mom told me that he’s been watching videos etc…about big rigs and all the things that driving one consists of.

So after he kissed his mom and said “see ya later” He immediately leaned over and pointed out to me what Air Valves I was to push to release the brakes so we could begin our adventure.

He checked out the gearshift as I was shifting and came to the correct conclusion when he said…”13 speed.” Kept his eye on the tachometer to make sure I shifted within the “prescribed parameters.”

I was just about to trade him places and let him drive! 

I figure he knows more already than most newly so called trained drivers do!

He asked me if I was one of those drivers who had to open their door to see better when backing up? I told him I never open my door when backing…but occasionally I do roll down my window and look back to see a bit better.

“Good!, cause backing up with your door open is a good way to fall out and run yourself over!”…is what he told me. 

He told me he was going to ask a lot of questions. I told him that’s how we learn and if I didn’t know the answer…I’d damn sure make one up that would be convincing! 

Then in started in with the Pre Trip Research he learned about me.

-You love to tease!

-You’ve been driving big rigs most your life.

-You love oldie Goldie music 

(He really likes, Queen, go figure that out?)

But the most important part of his research is: You will give me a Nickname! Love it or not!

This young man is very smart!

A few hours down the road he says to me…”This truck is pretty much your home huh? You have everything you need and it’s where you want it.”

I thought that to be very observant of the young man!

I thought he was asleep when I shut down for the night…but seconds after I turned out my bunker light…he leaned his head over the side of the top bunk and said…”So do ya have a nickname for me yet?!”

So all morning I’ve been thinking…I’ve come up with one I believe fits him to the T.

DATA!!… he’s chuck full of it!

And that’s always a good thing!

Should be a fun filled few days! Glad to have him ride along.

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