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Monday, November 29, 2021

Walt Fisher


Walt Fisher’s funeral arrangements 

A friend who served lovingly to his son, Wayne, who had been injured in an accident as a young adult. Walt was a quiet man, but if you needed a plumber, he was the one to call.

The viewing Monday night is 6:00-7:30 PM

Funeral Tuesday 11:00 AM   10900 south 1950 East in Sandy

 Shelly, their daughter said this about our dear Shirlene.

She's still declining a little bit. We have not put her in a home as of yet. We each take a turn and spend the night at her place and then my niece is her caregiver during the day for the week days the week days. She knows something is going on and she knows that we are all really sad. He was at home when it happened. We wanted him at home and not in the hospital since there was nothing that they could do for him.

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