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Friday, April 8, 2022

Rich County Commission Meeting April 6, 2022

10:00 Travis Eborn presented the Commissioners with the survey from people around the County about creating a Recreation Center. He had over 165 respondents. Most of the respondents were in favor of the idea. There were some questions on how to proceed from the survey. Also, Travis wondered if there could be a Recreation District Committee set up for the County or a City. Bill Cox is meeting with the Community Impact Board next week. Mitch Poulsen from the Bear Lake Reg. Commission talked about how the CIB would like a well-defined scope for them to help with a project. Bill suggested a planning grant and will work with Mr. Carver from BRAG. The Commissioners were asked how the TRT taxes might help with funding a project. Bill reminded them that the oil companies had built a wonderful facility in Evanston and then when the downturn in the economy happened it was left to Evanston to try to maintain the facility. He suggested that the TRT money could be used as maintaining the facility. Many other questions were pondered. The Commissioners thanked Travis for his work and they will get back together soon to report on their findings.

(Bess wondered to herself about the possibility of inviting a YMCA contact to help plan-she knows of a beautiful facility in Spokane that is run by the YMCA)

11:00 Mitch Poulsen, of the Bear Lake Reg. Com. presented his grant application of $70K for the Outdoor Rec. trail that has been designed. He is working with Conservation groups from Utah and Nevada for their input and help in mapping the trails. Mitch will also ask for TRT monies to help in the trail maintenance.

11:15 Jordan Mathis from Bear River Health Dept. presented the annual report on how the Health Dept. helps Rich, and Cache Counties. They felt that they as a dept. had learned some important lessons from covid. One of the ideas to come out of the Covid time was that families would like to be able to drive up to a window/door to get their shots or doctor visits while in their own cars so children and parents wouldn’t get exposed to other people’s germs. Estee Hunt the public relations rep. reported that the Health Dept. ranks 8 out of 17 counties which is a nice place to be on the scale of helping people.

There are many classes and helps that people may take online. Please go to their website. One of the really good things that has been done for our County is the fact that vaccines for our youth are readily available and stored in a special fridge so they don’t go bad.

The Commissioners also discussed the possibilities of an East Side waste water set up. Developers are also encouraged to stub in a sewer line to the new homes.

Bill praised the BRHD and all the work they have done. They were able to tap into volunteers called the Medical Reserve Corp. which provided 11,000 hours.

11:45 Krystal Butterfield, Rich Co. Recorder reported on duplicate taxing to a few parcels on SWGolf Course lot owners. The Commissioners agreed to her suggestions on how to eliminate the extra taxing.

11:55 LouJean Argyle talked about a parcel of land that no longer exists and how to mitigate the proplem.

11:59 Jason Lutz, representing Staker/Parsons, talked to the Commissioners about a license for a ready mix plant at the Travis Hobbs facility. He needs a special use permit from the state and will send it in to get his new license for the business.

(Bess would like to state here that our County Commissioners are on top of so many things that we as a community do not give them the credit they deserve. )

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