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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Garden City Town Council Notes for Aug. 8th 2024


#3 Public Comments elicited much discussion as to why the change in water fees. Once upon a time our spring water was not treated. Then someone claimed they had giardia from the spring. (It was proved that the spring did not have giardia but to be safe, the State had Garden City chlorinate our wonderful tasting spring water) and cap the spring so animals wouldn’t fall in. That lasted until about the year 2,000 and because of all the building the state informed us that Garden City had to have a water treatment plant. Sunrise Engineering helped the City arrange grants and loans to build the new treatment plant. When the plant came on line the City had to decide what to charge to pay for the loan for the treatment plant so they instituted a tiered plan: so much for the first tier, 2nd tier, 3rd tier. It was decided that the more we used the less we paid. That worked for a while then came the boom of secondary rentals and the water use went up (I am not blaming all rentals-just people in general who feel they can use as much as they like). The tiers had to be restructured so that the more water you use the cost goes up.

If you are using over your 15,000 gallons a month, then you are using someone else’s water and you will pay more.

We also learned that the State of Utah water usage is 150% over allocated rights

Riley Argyle, our Public Works Director, has to report monthly to the state how much water the City is using. The State will fine us if we go over our allotment.

The discussion went on to say that for 6,000 gallons, Bridgerland pays $92 per month.

Please check with the City about reducing your overage. They will help determine if you have a leak or your sprinklers are on too long.

Some question the charge for every month as they are here only 3 months. Well, the pipes have been in the ground for 40 years and have begun to deteriorate. They are costly to replace.

#4. Business Licenses for Firefly Powerbikes relocation-approved; Aloha Family Grill (formerly known as Fusion 89) original owners-approved; and Bear Lake Printing, located at 201 N. Bear Lake Blvd. This business will be helpful in sending and receiving packages!

#5 Short-term rental discussion all approved except Cozy Cabins (they had to add parking outlines. There was discussion as to what we enforce if they are in HOA’s.

#6 Request to encumber several parcels in Buttercup.

#7 Development agreement for Lakeview at Bear Lake (previously know as Elk’s Ridge Phase 2).

# 8 Final Plat for Crystal View (formerly Elk’s Ridge Phase 3)  

      Lot line adjustment in Bridgerland

      Lot line adjustment on Raspberry Patch road

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