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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Notes from the Garden City Planning & Zoning Meeting held Aug. 7, 2024


#3 Discussion about Food Truck locations was requested by the vendors. They would like to move because of the dust. The Planning and Zoning members had set up specific areas for the Food Trucks to be together in order to help the vendors enjoy more foot traffic and to avoid traffic congestion. The vendors were asked to bring back a proposal of where they would like to locate for next year.

#4 An off-Premise sign location for Carribean Cowboy was approved.

#5 Lot adjustment for Jeff Lerwill on Raspberry Patch Rd. was approved.

#6 The owner of 1079 Lakeview Dr. has problems selling his home due to conflicting surveyor’s stakes and years it was done. The home is too close to the next property. The P & Z suggested several ideas to get the lot line adjusted properly. (For your information-Bridgerland has 10’ set backs, but Garden City has 8’ on one side and 10’ on the other. The P&Z follows the HOA covenants.) The owner will need to come back next month with the corrected plat.

#7 Discussion was held on the Subdivision Plat for Crystal View Estates (formerly, The Fell.)

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