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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Rich County Commission Meeting Oct. 4 Notes


Randall Knight presented Jayne Hodges Davis to the commission as the new board member of the Garden City Fire District. She will take on the activities as the clerk. The commission confirmed Jayne’s application. Randall has had the old files shredded. The board has requested Chief Mike Wahlberg to look for a new brush truck.

Heather McKee Olsen with Bear River Health talked about prevention of drug use in young people. She also mentioned the SHARP questionnaire (student health and --------). There were only 100 responses last year. Parents have to sign for the student to complete the questionnaire. This is administered by school counselors.

The next test will be in 2025. The commissioners suggested she contact the School Board and get them on board. The commissioners felt that this is an important questionnaire.

Braeden Daly asked for a business license to do snow removal & lawns as Daly & Hammer LLC 373 No. Sunrise Dr. License approved.

LouJean Argyle, Rich Co. Treas. and Camille, deputy, asked how long does a permit last. Some applications have been open since 2019. The commissioners said the permits last for 18 months unless they get an extension. LouJean suggested that the web site add the information about the application and extensions. Commissioner Lee will change the web site to reflect the additions. Tyler does the inspections and needs to review the list and review the building to see if it has met the qualifications for occupancy. Some of the list is in Garden City, so the commissioners suggested sending the list to Garden City to review and then the county could review those in the county.

Ben Willougby, Attorney, MOU for restructuring of the Health Dept. Rich County to sign. Approved.

Kim Wilson, County Treasurer, presented the changes needed on several taxing entities. After reviewing, the Commissioners approved the changes.

Gilbert & Stewart, Auditor for 2024 will review the 2023 audit. 

Bill Cox and Sim Weston were appointed as representatives for Rich County.

Expenditures & Minutes approved for Sept. 


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