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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Laketown Town Council Work Meeting Minutes - 2-12-25

 Town Council

February 12, 2025 Town Council Work Meeting Minutes

Notice Date & Time: 2/12/25 6:00 PM -2/12/25 9:31 PM


Laketown Town Council
Work Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2025
Laketown City Office
10 North 200 East Laketown, Utah 84038

1.	Call to Order
The Laketown Town Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. This meeting was held at the Laketown City Office Building, located at 10 North 200 East, Laketown, Utah.  Mayor Burdette Weston welcomed those in attendance and called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.

Town Council Present:
Mayor Burdette Weston
Council Member Brandon Willis
Council Member Kris Hodges
Council Member Delora Wight
Council Member Denise Johnson

Others Present:
Duane Robinson, P&Z 
Jeff Brimhall

2. Opening Ceremony
Mayor Weston conducted the opening ceremony and Council Member Johnson led the pledge of allegiance

3. Roll Call
Mayor Weston asked for a roll call from Council members present: Mayor Burdette Weston, Council Member Brandon Willis, Council Member Denise Johnson, Council Member Kris Hodges, Council Member Delora Wight, and Lisa Johnson, Town Clerk 

4. Approval of Agenda
Mayor Weston asked for a motion to approve the agenda.  Council Member Wight made the motion and was seconded by Council Member Willis. The motion carried unanimously.

5. Mayor opened the meeting for Questions and comments: (3 minutes)

Duane Robinson discussed the transfer of property from the cemetery district to the town of Laketown.  The proposal involves giving the town two acres in exchange for one acre. The estimated cost for the town would be $150-$200, to cover the survey cost by Jeff Hansen. 

6. Items of Business:

a.	Review Budget
Mayor Weston would like the council to start reviewing the budget to see where adjustments need to be made for the 2026 fiscal year 

Council Member Hodges had been contacted by Courtney Robinson about sprinklers located on the baseball field that need to be moved to a new location for safety reasons.  Courtney was told to contact Council Member Johnson on this matter.  This is an expense that will need to be added to the next budget.

b.	Water Issues

-	Prepaid Water Hook Ups
The Town Council discussed in depth how to handle the prepaid water hook ups that were purchased around 2016.  All the prepaid water hook ups that were discussed have never accessed the water system.  It was determined that there are 6 prepaid water hook ups: 
Tyler Hunter, Hatfield, Rick Larson, Jordan Mckee, Dan Stringham, and Dallas Clark.  It was noted that the Hunter and Hatfield prepaid water hook ups were assigned to lots purchased from Cardon Willis.

The following outline of options for prepurchase water hook ups that will be voted on by the Town Council at the next meeting.

Laketown Water Hookup Options for Prepaid Customers 
In light of Laketown's increased fees and the necessity for water rights/shares for new water connections, this document outlines the options available to individuals who prepaid for water hookups approximately ten years ago. 

Option 1: Complete Construction by Deadline
 - Eligibility: Only for individuals who prepaid or who own a parcel subject to the 'prepay.'
 - Requirement: Obtain a building permit by no later than August 31, 2025, and begin paying the Standard Monthly Service Rate as of the date the building is approved by the Town Council.
 - Benefit: No additional water-related costs if construction is completed within 18 months from the date the permit is issued.
 - Note: If the home is not completed within the normal timeframes allowed by the building inspector and the building inspector requires a new building permit, then the current fees will be charged. 

Option 2: Refund Option 
- Offer: Request a refund of the $1,000 prepayment. 
- Future Connections: Any future water connections will be subject to the rules and fees in place at the time of obtaining a building permit. 

Option 3: Apply Prepayment to Future Fees 
- Non-refund Option: For those who choose not to receive a refund and fail to obtain a building permit by August 31, 2025. 
- Application of Prepayment: The $1,000 prepayment can be applied towards future water hookup fees. O Example: If the water hookup fee at the time of building is $6,000, the individual will pay $5,000 after the $1,000 credit is applied. 
- Additional Fees: All other applicable fees at the time of construction must be paid.

Action Item: Brandon - check with lawyer that these options and wording are correct
Action Item: Lisa - March 5 Agenda Item Prepaid Water Hook up options.
-	Handling lots without Water rights.
The town council discussed the issue of lots without water rights and how to handle them.  They agree that single dwelling homes should be allowed to buy into the water system for a fee, while subdivisions should be required to bring their own water rights. It was agreed by the Town council that a reasonable fee to charge would be $8000 to buy into the system if no water right is available.
Action Item: Lisa - check with Kendall on adding this to fee schedule, new ordinance, public meeting

-	Fee to shut off water
The Town Council felt like in the past there was a fee to shut off water at meter by the Town.  There currently is no such fee in the consolidated fee schedule.  It was agreed that a $250 fee is a reasonable fee to charge.
Action Item: Lisa - check with Kendall on preparing an ordinance and adding the shut off fee to the consolidated fee schedule
c.	Brandon- update on rewording of Road Cut Ordinance
Town Council discussed the wording of the Road Cut Ordinance
Action Item: Brandon - will contact Lisa with what changes are needed

7. Adjourn
Council Member Hodges made motion to adjourn and seconded by Council Member Johnson. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:31 PM


Notice of Special Accommodations:

NOTICE OF SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION DURING PUBLIC MEETINGS In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify the town clerk three days before the meeting, so arrangements can be made.

Notice of Electronic or telephone participation:


Other information:


10 North 200 East, Laketown, 84038

Contact information:

Lisa Johnson ,,

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