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Friday, March 7, 2025

Updated Planning Commission Documents from 2-25-25 Public Hearing

Documents Updated

Planning Commission

Public Notice (Amended)

Notice Date & Time: 2/5/25 5:00 PM



The Garden City Planning Commission will hold their regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. at the Garden City Lakeview Building, located at 69 N. Paradise Parkway, Building C. 


1.	Roll Call
2.	Oath of Office - Brian Willmore
3.	Conflict of Interest forms for Planning Commission Members
4.	Approval of Minutes
a.	Regular Meeting
b.	Public Hearing
5.	Discussion/Approval of Ordinance:
#25-01 - An Ordinance Updating the Storage and Use of a Recreational Vehicle.
#25-02 - An Ordinance Updating Flag Lots
6.	Training
7.	Miscellaneous
Discussion on Conditional Uses and Zone Changes - JUB Engineering
1.	Conditional Uses
a.	Examples and some recommendations
2.	Zone Changes
a.	Where does multi-family go?
b.	Beginning to incorporate the Land Use map more into the zoning map/
c.	Incorporate other zones that are not currently shown on the zoning map, C4, Hotel/Motel, etc.
8.	Adjournment

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