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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Needles and Leaves

By Jennifer Huefner
Bear Lake Landscape, Inc
While driving through the Bear Lake Valley, I've noticed some 
Photo by Jennifer Huefner
abandoned, pioneer-era homes that still have thriving plants growing around it.  It is impressive to me that a lilac planted so long ago, and so long abandoned can still be alive, let alone look good!  We do live in a valley that gets pretty small amounts of rain fall.  How does the lilac survive?  Other plants that do similarly well in these abandoned landscapes are the peony and coppertina rose (that pretty yellow rose that takes over everything in its path). 
These plants are certainly cold and drought hardy!  Just remember that in order for your lilacs, peony, and coppertina rose to survive like that you'll have to water them until their roots become well established.  After that you can back off the water gradually.  I recommend watering them for 3-5 growing seasons.  We have three varieties of lilac, peonies, and the coppertina rose.  See how these Bear Lake Valley hardy plants can enhance your landscape.
Perennials Sale
4" Perennials:  Buy 2, get the 3rd free!
#1 Perennials:  Buy 4, get the 5th free!
 Sale ends when the last one is sold or October 1st, which ever comes first!
Bear Lake Landscape & Garden Center at 60 S. Paradise Parkway (300 W.) in Garden City, Utah  Open M-F 8-5 and Sat 9-3 Phone: 435-946-8244


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