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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Pool And Kiosk Problems Addressed

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times
GARDEN CITY, Utah.  February 13, 2014.  Council Member Chuck Stocking noted that there are some problems with the pool.  He feels that the pricing for swimming in the pool needs to be brought current, especially the information that is currently on the web site.  Also he noted that small children need the area to be warmer than for the adults.  They don’t like to get into the water if the air around the pool is too chilly.  The chlorine level is very difficult to tell if it is at the proper level or not.  The pellet stove has not been in the pool area long enough to determine whether it is going to save the City money or not.    If the City is going too far behind, the price for swimming may have to be raised by 25 or 50 cents.  The Council needs to look into that.  He recommended that all workers at the pool have a background check prior to hiring.  The human resource book must be amended to take this into consideration. 

The Kiosk is going to be very expensive if the type of computer system that the City wants is actually purchased.  It would have to be made vandal proof, there would need to be a printer and computer.  Also because it is in the open, there is a problem with moisture. 

Stocking noted that they are currently working on an Ipad application interface that would do almost exactly what the City desires.  This application, however, would require business to have their information available and an Ipad at their location.  It would be a lot cheaper and more usable without the outdoor Kiosk.  

The Mayor asked if any of the Council Members know of any individuals who work with the Chamber that would be willing to man the Kiosk during the summer.  It would take several individuals, and hopefully they would be willing to volunteer their time.

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