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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Saturday Night Rodeos?

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah. February 13, 2014.  Jake Willis along with two other associates approached the Council with the idea of holding a rodeo each Saturday night during the summer.  They have located an area where the arena, holding pens, announcer box, bleachers, and so forth can be set up along with a large area for public parking as well as contestant parking on the other side of the arena.  This property is located along Paradise Parkway north of the City Offices.

They have sponsored many rodeos in the past and think this might give tourists a fun evening weekend activity.  Concessions could be included, and area restaurants and fast food establishments could participate if they so desired.  If the idea goes well, they would be willing to hold another rodeo on Friday evenings as well.  They would like to start on Memorial weekend and go through the Labor Day weekend.  They had many more ideas of things that could be held at this location such as tractor pulls, concerts, and so forth.

They have their own security plan, and a portable fence company that helps with crowd control.  They realize trash will need to be picked up after each show, and will have plenty of porta potties available. 

The Council was in favor of the idea and accepted the license application.  They noted that perhaps Laketown would not like the idea of Garden City having a rodeo during Raspberry Days since Laketown has always had a rodeo then.  Willis noted that many contestants would appreciate having two opportunities that close together.  It would give them opportunities at both locations and would probably add greater interest to the shows.  However, he noted that he would cancel the rodeo at that time if Laketown was against the idea.  He felt they could cooperate with Laketown and make sure everyone would be pleased with the outcome.

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