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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Vista Grande Estate Beach Access

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

RANDOLPH, Utah. December 17, 2014. Debbie Ames, County Recorder, reported to the Commissioners that Vista Grande Estates originally had 38 lots.  One individual had purchased two—one, lot 37, is right on the lake shore.  The owner of that lot sold 1/37 of lot 37 to each of the home builders in the subdivision giving everyone lake access.  Since that time, the shares in lot 37 have been divided and sold to other individuals.  Ames noted that she had finally put everything into decimal portions.  Many people don’t own anything at the lake except their share of lot 37. 

Ames thought it would be a good idea if everyone would turn their portion of lot 37 over to the Home Owner’s Association for this subdivision—people don’t want to do that.  Because of the way the lake fluctuates, lot 37’s boundaries have changed and moved over time.  The spot has problems. Ames indicated that she just wanted to make sure the Commissioners were aware of this area and what has taken place there.

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