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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Garden City Council Member Reports

Anita Weston

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  July 9, 2015.  Council member Chuck Stocking reported that the library rummage sale was very successful.  The sale brought in over $5,000.  Special thanks was given to Jim DeGroot for the amount and kind of furniture that was donated from WorldMart.  It really helped in raising that amount of money.

The summer library reading program is a very successful program.  There are 47 individuals participating this summer.

The pool is doing fine.  There was an employee issue, however.  One of the life guards, instead of doing his/her job, was reading a book and playing with a cell phone.  The life guard never looked at the pool.  Apparently the individual doesn’t know what he/she should be doing.  Mayor Spuhler asked Stocking to attend the staff meeting on Monday so that this item could be addressed at that time.

Bruce Warner noted that there is a business in town that did not open this summer.  There is an outstanding water bill of $900.  The water can be turned off.  However, the owner claims that all expenses were to be paid by the lessee.  The lessee feels that the owner should be liable.  Warner suggested that in the future, all transactions must be with the owner so that these kinds of issues can be avoided.

A request was made for a transient business license to be able to sell merchandise in the parking lot at the Bear Trapper.  It was suggested that the merchandise be placed inside the store and sold from there.

Warner asked if the Shundahi water tank financing was moving forward and was told that everything seems to be moving along smoothly.

Bess Huefner and Riley Argyle have met with the Webber Family.  They appear to be willing to give an easement to the City that will give that area an additional exit from the area.  Raspberry Patch also appears to be willing to work with the City.  Home owners on Elks Ridge have been told that they must form an HOA.  The City is willing to help get their roads in order up to $10,000.  However, it will be money thrown away if an HOA is not formed in order to take care of the maintenance of the road that will be required in the future.

Huefner reported that the Heritage Park Children’s playground equipment will arrive near the end of July.  She noted that the permit from Sovereign Lands has not been renewed as of now.   This should be taken care of.  The beach maintenance agreement is in force.  The ditches can not be opened yet. 

Bess also noted that the sidewalks are in bad shape.  Something needs to be done soon.  Darrin said that he thought he could get a bid out soon and begin fixing the sidewalks during the third week in August.  He noted that money had been set aside for this project.

Danny White will obtain the signs that indicate wet land areas.  The cost will be at least $900 and should be in place by the 2nd of August.  Hopefully the pickleball area will be available soon.  Bess also noted that she would like to see more beautification take place in the town.

 Darrin Pugmire asked that next year the beach passes be only one color and one kind.  There has been a lot of confusion with each pass a different color and a different beach access on the card.

A road off the backside of Buttercup needs to get started.  This project needs to be written up.  It is a good idea to asphalt up to at least 10’ off of an asphalted road to keep mud and dirt from tracking onto the main road.

A culvert needs to be put in place at Cherimoya down to Hodges Lane.  The canal is seeping enough water that it needs to be directed on down the hill and away from a couple of homes.

In the future, there needs to be an ordinance that requires that homes must be built a certain distance from the canal.  There are going to continue to be problems if the homes are built too close to the canal.

Darrin noted that the Commissioners failed to hold a public hearing in May regarding the gun range.  He indicated that he had checked with them again and still nothing has been done.  He feels that a gun range could be a good business venture and is going to start to pursue that avenue.

Business in June was at an all time high for that month.  Darrin felt it was a result of the hot weather that we had.  We have been seeing more people.  Hopefully, advertising Garden City as “A Place For Families to Play,” will encourage entire families to come here for their vacations.

The Farmers Market is doing better so far this year as well.

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