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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Peterson Commended For Enforcement Work

Bobbie Bicknell Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  July 9, 2015.  Bob Peterson, compliance officer, was complimented on being so proactive and polite while enforcing ordinances.  Peterson said that starting around 10:30 a.m. he walks up and down the beach and talks to all people explaining the rules. 

Taking quads to sandbar is against the beach rules.  They often get  stuck in the water.  Not too many people try to launch from shore.  He may talk to 50 groups a day.  Since he has been explaining the rules  there are fewer problems and stuff is not left overnight.   Mayor said people try to stake out territory on the beach.  That is why it is important to get tents and canopies down.  The park is locked at 10 p.m.
Peterson focused on trash cans left out too long and gave out citations and warnings about taking them in, so this month there were less left out.

Short term rental violations have resulted in  7 citations and fines totaling over $13,000.   Owners are fined if they do not  have Garden City short term rental licenses.  He takes pictures, talks to the people at the property who say they are renting.   Also the City has sent warnings to people who let their short term licenses lapse.  They are aggressively going after them. 

Peterson recommended that the council clean up sign ordinances  because  there are references to the old ordinances.  He would also like them to update violation definitions and ordinances and fines for beach violations.  

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