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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Garden City P&Z Planning Meeting

Randall Knight, Reporter
Rich Civic Times 

GARDEN CITY, Utah. Sept 2, 2015. The Planning and Zoning public meeting began at 4:45 PM and had a few people in attendance.  The discussions focused on the Conditional Use Permit application to build or replace four homes at Lazy D Ranch.  Bracken Atkinson was the representative for the Lazy D.  The board members present were: Jim DeGroot, Susan House, Dewayne Gifford and Jim Stone. 

The P&Z meeting began at 5:00 PM and the board members absent were Lance Bourne, Steve Arnie and Pat Argyle.   

The agenda was followed as printed and last month’s minutes were approved for the Public Hearing meeting.  The minutes for the Public Notice meeting had a few corrections recommended and was also approved. 

Jake’s Place submitted plans for approval of architectural and parking plans to add a covered patio area, two permanent raspberry stands on the east side of the lot and goal post style arches at each entrance.  The main discussion focused on allowable signs and sizes.  Clarification was provided by the Ordinance Officer that signs on vehicles are not included in calculating the number and size of signs.  They also plan on having a drive-through that would use the existing ingress and egress. The raspberry stands need to meet the setback requirements along with the arched pole entrances. The request was approved.

The next topic was a request by Lakeview Cabins (Nate Parry) to remodel the commercial building located at 80 W. Logan Rd (formally Lakeside Pizza).  The building would be used for both office space and a restaurant (type undetermined). The proposal is to reside the building and have an open eating area on the north side.  The main discussion focused on grandfathered parking slots on the south side.  This building lot is unique in having parking stalls next to the largest city parking lot.  This would allow all grandfathered 21 parking stalls to be available for the customers since the employees could park in the city lot. The proposal was approved.

The Lazy D Ranch request discussed in the public meeting was approved provided the height and setback requirements are met.

During the miscellaneous discussion it was pointed out the city has not approved a request to have businesses pay the city a set amount for their deficient parking stalls.  The money should be earmarked to purchase and maintain public parking areas.

Meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM


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