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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Showcase Rich Agricultural Heritage


The following letter was written to the County Commissioners.  They asked that I try and obtain the requested photographs and historical items.  If you happen to have a photo or other information that you would be willing to share, please send it to me, Anita Weston at   My mailing address is PO Box 105, Garden City, Utah, 84028.  Your help will be greatly appreciated.  It would be nice to have our County included in the display.  

Dear Commissioners:

In an effort to showcase the important role agriculture has had in the State of Utah, I am creating a visual history of agriculture to be on permanent display in the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food Office Building.  I am contacting every County for an opportunity to contribute to this exciting project by sharing any historical photographs you may have in your records depicting agricultural or rural life.

I would love to include photographs or histories representing people or places in your part of our state.  It would be nice to include any information, photographs or links you may wish to share with us.

LuAnn Adams, Commissioner

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