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Sunday, November 22, 2015

November School Board Report

Chris Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

LAKETOWN, Utah.  November 18, 2015.  The Rich County School Board held its regular monthly meeting in Laketown for a change.  All members were present, including newly appointed interim member Andy Stokes, who will serve until the election next November of a new member from district 5, which is geographically Garden City North.  

The board has expanded to 6 members until the election of 2018, when it will revert to the state law mandated 5 members.  Stokes has not yet decided whether he will accept the taxpayer funded family health benefit awarded by the board to itself.  Bryce Huefner is currently the only board member who has declined the benefit.

In other business the board ratified the bus policy approved in October, which essentially limits school bus transportation to persons involved in school sponsored activity.  The board heard a report of a health and behavior student survey conducted in 4 districts in northern Utah, the data for which was aggregated.  The districts are Rich, Cache, Logan, and Box Elder.  As presented, it was not possible to identify the responses from Rich District students as the data presented was included with student populations whose totals outnumber Rich by more than 50 to 1. 

The annual audit report was presented and the district given a very positive rating, with no material deficiencies of any kind.   Finally, the board approved a methodology for the testing of students who have been home schooled and are seeking placement in the public school system.  A uniform testing entity was selected and approved.

1 comment:

ep said...

The change in venue is a nice touch.