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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Poaching Elk Earns Tremonton Family Jail Time & Fine

Bobbie Coray, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

I was sitting in District Court reporting on another matter when a nice looking family from Tremonton, Utah, mother, father, grandfather and grandson were all sentenced to a year in the Rich County Jail.

District Judge Tom Wilmore, was taking no excuses.  The mother tearfully said that they were hunting to fill their freezer, but Wilmore parried that by asking "then why did you take the cape and antlers and a little of the elk meat leaving most of it behind?"

The grandfather admitted that the elk had been a trophy elk and they had been excited and went into an area not covered by their license to hunt.  The grandson, who is 18, said his parents and grandfather had told him to shoot the elk because he'd never get a chance at a trophy like that.  Wilmore said, "You are an adult now and are responsible for your actions."

Wilmore was stern in his sentencing, he suspended the year sentence to four days, and the father and son were taken into custody by the sheriff.  The mother was to report to the Cache County jail and the grandfather was to report the next week.  Then they were required to pay $8,000 for the elk and additional fines of $750 each.  They have to do 50 hours each of community service and will be on parole for the rest of the year.  DWR will probably take away their ability to ever hunt again.

Poaching is serious.  So is the punishment.

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