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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Fire Board Meeting

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah. July 20, 2017.  The Fire Fighters will be sponsoring a BBQ at the City’s Park so that they can use the Pavilion there.  It will begin at 6:00 p.m. on July 24.  There will be three cooks and should be fun.  There will be some other items there to keep people interested prior to setting off fireworks.

The Raspberry Days Breakfast will be held Saturday morning on Raspberry Days.  The fire chief suggested that any money made from this breakfast be kept by the fire department to go towards the boat motor purchase.  It was noted that is difficult to get the various firefighters to come and help cook the breakfast.  The breakfast will begin at 8 a.m. until 11 a.m. on August 5.  The price will be the same as last year--$7 for adults and $3 for kids.  The menu will be a little different.  There will pancakes, sausages, eggs, and hash browns.

Tiffany Wahlburg reported on the financial statements that were due by the end of June.  The motion was made and passed to accept her report.

Wahlburg noted that she had been posting the Fire Board Agenda on the state notice board.  Randall Knight opposed it being posted and told her to stop posting the agenda.

There was a flat tire on the tender truck.  It has been repaired.  It should be back tomorrow.  The Chief’s truck has needed some repair work done.  The air conditioner has been fixed and several other items have been taken care of.  Brush 43 control panel was repaired.  Batteries needed to be replaced in the Tender and Brush 44.

There were 42 responses so far this month:  4 fires, 16 fire alarms, 1 vehicle accident extraction, 1 hazmat call, 13 medical calls, 5 marine calls, and 2 agency assists.

Chief Wahlberg noted that a lot of training is taking place using the boat.  They are working on search patterns, and so forth.  The boat was used on one fire—they were able to pump water up a hillside which really worked well.

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