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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Garden City Council Reports

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

 GARDEN CITY, Utah. July 20, 2017.   Chuck Stocking reported that the pool is back up and running.  The other members of the Council  suggested that Richard Monk, the pool director, to get quarterly inspections so that having to shut down will not occur.  Preventative action is better than closing the pool every once in a while.

Jennifer Huefner noted that she has been working on trails.  She is working with several maps, with Mitch Poulson of Bear River Regional Council and others, and is hoping to be able to get the information available on the City’s web site.  She is also considering setting up a committee that will work with this issue.   Membership will be required for this group.  Hopefully, they will be able to create, find, and make available more trails.

Pat Argyle noted that Raspberry Days is coming.  There have been some insurance issues, but they will be resolved soon.

Darrin Pugmire noted that sidewalks are an issue in town.  He suggested that the City rent a tool that can cut the lips on the sidewalk squares that are poking up.  The City needs to make the walks smoother and easier for people using them. There are also some problems on the bike path that needs to be considered.

The new road off Kimball Lane to Golf Lane needs to be worked on.  It was noted that there was a road that went past Stone’s business to the west.  Norm Mecham said that the road did exist.
Darrin hopes that the road will go through.  An extra section of land was taken away from Fishers.  If they can use more of the old road, that section of land could be deeded back to Fishers.

John Spuhler reported that the Lieutenant Governor was in Rich County last week.  Mayor Spuhler visited with him about enlarging the harbor and about the limited beach areas this summer. He said he enjoyed talking with the Lt. Governor.

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