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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Monty Weston – Candidate for School Board District 3

Four and a half years ago when I ran for the Rich County School Board, I ran to represent District #3 which took in one half of Randolph and the northern citizens of the Bear River Valley. Because I reside in the northern end of the Bear River Valley, the realignment of the voting districts in Rich County left me in District #3 and realigned the Town of Randolph residents and the southern outlying citizens of the Bear River Valley into District #2. District #3 now includes the northern outlying residents of the Bear River Valley, Round Valley, Meadowville, and Laketown. With that in mind, let me introduce myself to those of you who may not know me.

Laketown was my home for the first 29 years of my life. I worked with my grandparents, dad, and uncles on their family ranch. I fished and swam in Bear Lake in the summers, when I wasn’t cowboying and haying, and attended North Rich Elementary and graduated from North Rich High School. My dad and his brothers purchased a ranch in the Bear River Valley and I spent a lot of time interacting with the youth of my age who were from there when we rode the east summer grazing range rounding up cows. I married Diane Hansen, and we spent the first seven years of our married life in Laketown. In 1978, we moved to our current residence on the Wine Cup Ranch, 3 miles south of Sage Creek Junction. We have raised eight children on that place.  All eight of our children, and two grandsons, have graduated from Rich High School.

 The realignment of the voting districts created a situation where the school board representatives of what was once District #4 and District #3 were both in the newly created District #3. We were now faced with a 6 man school board. However, our population count from the latest census still kept us at a 5 member board status. This required us to assign one board member to represent District #3 and the other board member to be designated voting Member-at-large until the re-election year occurred and then it would revert back into a 5 member board. Through the time tested procedure of drawing straws, I became the voting Member-at-large.

Shortly after I was elected to the school board, I had constituents approach me about building a new gym at the Middle School. I brought it before the school board and we took a serious look at it and decided that, with other very necessary improvements to the Middle School and High School, we should move forward on it.  I know there are some concerns about the bond election for the new facility at the middle school and safety improvements at the high school. Please come and talk with me about them. Hopefully, I can help you better understand what they can do for the safety and enrichment of our youth and communities.

At another time, one of my constituents expressed a concern about the possible safety issues that might occur with the high school mascot. Again, I brought it before the school board and it was decided that, for safety concerns, the matter should be brought before the students and faculties of both schools to decide how to best handle the situation. After serious discussion and debate, I was impressed with the very wise choices that the students and administrations made in resolving the concern.

I feel that I have been fair and open minded when it comes to making decisions that will impact the education and wellbeing of our children in Rich County. I also realize that not everyone is in agreement with some of those decisions. That is how it should be. I do appreciate those who talk with me about their concerns. Sometimes, I can help. Sometimes, I cannot. But I always respect what they have to say.

I have family members in every community in Rich County. I have the distinction of saying that I have grandchildren who were, up until this fall, attending every school in the Rich County School District. Am I invested in the safety, prosperity, growth, and development of this school district? You bet I am!! I would appreciate your vote on Nov. 6th.

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