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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Garden City Public Works

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  October 13, 2016.  Riley Argyle, Supervisor of Public Works, noted that the water treatment plant software is outdated and no longer supported.  The City must update this software which will cost approximately $31,000.  The new software uses a platform that is portable because Java is embedded into the software.  This will make it possible to use the new software for a much longer period of time than has been used in the past.  The change needs to be made now.  Since 99.9% of all the water comes from Swan Creek; if the plant goes down, everyone in the city will be out of water.

Argyle reported that a plan has been made for the development of Heritage Park.  The plan is made to complete the park in the next four years.  The Heritage Park line item on the budget for next four years will be increased to get it finished.

Argyle has been working on a lot of water leaks this fall.  It has been very time consuming and expensive.  Some of the leaks can be traced to age.  He noted that the last time any of the pipes had been updated was in the mid ‘80s.  Lakota Resort has some serious problems.  There hasn’t been any regulation in that area. Homeowners there have put in some of the cheapest stuff possible which is now causing all kinds of problems.

There has been a leak in the chlorine building which has caused some problems..  A valve has snapped off and needs to be replaced.  There is no meter in one location.  In order to take care of this problem, the water may have to be turned off in the City for a part of a day.

The new snowplow will be ready to go in the next two weeks.  A new trailer with a mini excavator has been purchased.  There are two weeks left on the lease for the backhoe.  The new dump truck is ready.  The other dump truck needs to be gotten ready.  The City will be getting a load of salt soon.  So far the City hasn’t gotten any sand from the County.  Argyle said he would follow up on that item.  Work is being done on the red shed.  It is going to be up-to-date and ready to go soon.  They still need to get power to that building.

The City is using what they called a big box for reading meters, and it is working really well.  It saves the workers about a day of reading meters and is much more accurate than what has been used in the past.

Argyle said he would be picking up the speed bumps soon.  All the public bathrooms have been winterized except for the one unit in the City’s parking lot next to the Church building.  The sprinklers have all been blown out.  There are some problems with the heaters at the treatment plant that will be fixed soon.

Norm Mecham has gotten approval on everything that he needed to on his project, so work will start to move forward there.  Lakeview has been red tagged.  Some changes will be needed before they can proceed.

The office has been especially busy with all of the notices and public hearings that have been required.  

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