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Monday, October 17, 2016

Proposed Bond Vote For Rec Center In Garden City


Two common concerns we, as the Mayor and Town Council, hear from Garden City residents and business owners are:

What is Garden City doing to promote year-round tourism and business?

What is being done to provide wholesome activities for residents, especially our youth?

In response, we have placed a $6,300,000 bond on November's ballot for you to decide whether Garden City should build a Recreation Center that will include gymnasiums for basketball, volleyball, and pickleball. The Recreation Center will also have activity rooms, a workout room, batting cages, a golf driving range, rock climbing walls, and an elevated jogging track.

(See details at http://www .gardencityut .us/whats-happening-in-ga rden-city.htm)

We have not lightly come to the decision to move forward with this bond election. We approved the bond election after thoroughly studying the issues associated with the proposed Recreation Center. Some of the reasons we are in favor of the bond are as follows :

Enhanced Recreation and Health Benefits. The new facility will be a community center that will provide all residents w(th affordable recreation and health promoting activates. It will also be a great investment in our youth. The top reasons kids say no to drugs is sports, hobbies, family and friends. In a recent survey, 54% of the teens said they wouldn't spend so much "screen time" if they had other things to do. The same number of teens indicated they wished there were more community or neighborhood based programs available for them to participate in.

Individual Resident Costs. A resident's property taxes with an average home value ($213,472) will pay an estimated increase of $12.92 per month. A business of the same value would pay $23 .49 per month. Additionally, the property tax associated with the Recreation Center should decrease for each resident over the years as Garden City continues to grow. (Recreation Center entrance fees are not included in tax estimates).

City's Finances. Garden City has a strong financial position with an excellent bond rating.

Location. The proposed location for the recreation center is next to the city offices on Paradise Parkway. This location is easily accessed by residents, non-residents and visitors. The city pool is also located on the same property which should help draw visitors to the city center and local businesses .

Feature Elementary School. With the majority of North Rich Elementary School kids coming from Garden City, there is a growing need to build an eiementary school in our town. In several communities across the state, recreation centers serve a dual purpose. During school hours the recreation center is used by the school's student body; however, when school is not in session then the facility is open to the public thus maximizing resources and tax dollars.

Garden City is a great place to live. Visitors around the state, country, and world come to our town every year. We believe that the proposed Garden City Recreation Center will make Garden City a better place to live and raise a family .

John Spuhler, Mayor Garden City Town Council

• No "AGAINST" arguments have been submitted.

• Public meetings were held on July 19, 2016 at 5:00 p.m., July 26, 2016 at 4:00 p.m., and September 27, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. All public hearings were held at the Garden City Offices, 69 N. Paradise Parkway, Garden City, Utah.


Unknown said...

No "AGAINST" arguments had been submitted because it wasn't made known to the public that it was a possibility.

John Spuhler said...

We did everything exactly as outlined by the firm that was unanimously voted on by the council to follow proper process. We were required by law to write a for statement. An against statement is simply to vote no or you can choose to send out letters or make calls directly to everyone voicing your opposition.

John Spuhler said...

We did everything exactly as outlined by the firm that was unanimously voted on by the council to follow proper process. We were required by law to write a for statement. An against statement is simply to vote no or you can choose to send out letters or make calls directly to everyone voicing your opposition.

Maureen said...

I like the idea of a rec center, but have two objections: 1) what has been proposed is too big for the modest numbers of people who are likely to enjoy its benefits, and 2)
The vast majority if those who will be paying for it are the same people who will have little use for it, as they are seasonal occupants of the homes that will be taxed...and usually enjoying the outdoor recreation of the Bear Lake area during the season they are there. I don't know about the rest of you, but an additional $144+/year property tax burden (plus use fees) will be a difficult pill to swallow for a building I'll probably never step foot in. That's nearly three times our home's HOA fee.

Maureen said...

I like the idea of a rec center, but have two objections: 1) what has been proposed is too big for the modest numbers of people who are likely to enjoy its benefits, and 2)
The vast majority if those who will be paying for it are the same people who will have little use for it, as they are seasonal occupants of the homes that will be taxed...and usually enjoying the outdoor recreation of the Bear Lake area during the season they are there. I don't know about the rest of you, but an additional $144+/year property tax burden (plus use fees) will be a difficult pill to swallow for a building I'll probably never step foot in. That's nearly three times our home's HOA fee.