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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Ordinance Enforcement Report

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  October 13, 2016.  Bob Peterson, Garden City Ordinance Enforcement Officer, reported concerning the TRT (Transient Room Tax) funds.  These funds result from short term rentals and hotels.  Restaurants also collect a restaurant tax.  These funds are extremely helpful to the city budget.

It was noted that TRT funds the city gets can perhaps be used to finish Heritage Park.  However, the majority of the TRT funds go to the County.  It was reported that $270,000 from TRT money this year has gone to the County.  They use approximately a third for the ambulance, a third for emergency services, and the final third for law enforcement.  There was a legislative bill last year to get 50% of the TRT funds going to the community that produced it.  Hopefully, there will be some action in the legislature this coming year that moves that direction.  Currently, Garden City usually gets between $15,000 and $25,000 of this money as a grant from the County which has to be matched by the City.

Peterson recently attended the Utah League of Cities and Towns and made a presentation concerning short term rentals.  The State wants to take over the control of short term rentals and is beginning to prepare legislation to do so.  He noted that local control allows the cities that have short term rentals to benefit from those taxes instead of everything going to the County or State.  He noted that he will try and keep track of all legislation concerning this item.

Peterson noted that a voter pamphlet will be mailed soon to those living in Garden City concerning the proposed recreation center.  This will give citizens an idea of what is being planned as well as the costs that will be incurred in building such a facility.  This will allow citizens to make a decision that fits their budget and lifestyle.

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