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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Garden City Fire Board Meeting

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah.  October 19, 2017.  The property acquisition that involved the City and Sewer District was discussed.  All of the documents have been signed, the incurred costs have been taken care of, and everything necessary to be recorded at the County has been completed.  The Sewer District is anxious to begin their building addition.  The Sewer District has also acquired a new truck that is going to be very helpful in the future. They currently have it parked next to the Fire Department.

The proposed budget for next year was handed around to the board members and a discussion ensued.  Most of the items will remain about the same as in the past.  New radios are needed so that communications item has been set at a larger amount than in the past years.  Property tax income is larger because of some assessment changes.  New PPE/Uniforms will be needed in the coming year so additional funds have been put into that line tem.  The budget will be reviewed again next month, and the public hearing will be held December 7.

It was suggested that impact fees be increased.  It was noted that increasing fees is complicated.  Perhaps the Department could get a mortgage for capital improvements and use impact fees for six years.  This might be a possibility.  The Board will look closer into this idea.

The Christmas party will be the same as last year—everyone seemed to enjoy, and the firemen liked doing their own cooking along with potluck being brought.  The party will be held on December 7 and will begin at 7:00 p.m.  It will be held at the city offices.

The wildland pump was serviced.  Marine 40 has been pulled from the water and winterized.  It, however, can still be launched within a few minutes if needed.

All trucks are ready.  One truck has been getting a lot of condensation in the exhaust.  It will be checked.  The state truck that the department no longer can use will be given back to the state.  They will let us know if the truck should be taken to Randolph or Salt Lake City.

There were eight responses this past month.  There were 5 medical, 2 fire alarms and a truck fire (Federal Express truck) by Buttercup.

The Board then went into an executive session to discuss impact fees.

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