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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Garden City Public Works Reports

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah. July 12, 2018.  Riley Argyle, Public Works Director,reported that a change order was made for chip seal on Third West.  The price difference will be paid by a grant.  This will allow the road to last longer.  A lot of the top soil at Heritage Park has been traded for gravel that can be used in various places.

Slurry seal was put on several streets in Garden City.  It was done today and repainted.  It will be well worth the cost because it makes the roads look better and last longer.

Parsons Construction has had some water patches on 100 West.  They will fix these patch areas.  Travis bid on road materials.

There have been some water leaks in the City that have been taken care of.  The grading in Heritage Park is complete.  The City has been mowing the sides of the roads to make things look nicer.  There have been some leaks at the Beach Park.  They are under control now.  Beach Park sprinklers have been turned back on.  Hopefully the grass will green up quickly.  The beach below Beach Park has some dirty water.  Argyle has been plowing the sand about once a week in that area to keep things looking better.

Glen Gillies, Building Inspector, reported that he has given out nine citations this week—eight were for short-term rentals.  He noted that he has about two weeks of paperwork on short-term rentals.  It seems that all the paperwork came in at once. The citation for the trailer may have to be given since it is still on the lot.  It must be moved soon.

Norm Mecham was given a building permit for a club house at his new development.

Bridgerland Adventure Park made a change.  They were putting in a ramp to get up and down in their building which will meet ADA requirements.  They, however, paid all the fees for a license and are putting in an elevator instead.

Gilles has started putting in the gate at the Beach Park.  It will open and shut automatically.  He has most of the gate in. He has done a lot of inspections.  He noted that Lake Meadow Lodge has requested that they be allowed additional height for their building.

Zan Murray, City Engineer, JUB, said that he and Argyle have been working on the electrical layout for vendors.  They have hired an electrical engineer to make sure that they get the amount of power that will be needed along with the number of boxes that will be needed.  They think 15 boxes that will have extra space for future requirements will be sufficient.  They have a budget of $50,000 to get the power ready for at least 20 vendors.  Bigger circuits will be near the restroom area.

They will try and make sure that every food vendor will have four outlets.  There will be two outlets for all the other vendors.  It was suggested that each vendor pay for the power they use.

There will be a panel with a lot of room for stage power. The sound system will have wireless speakers. 

JUB is going to rent an office here in Garden City.  It will be upstairs in the City Office Building.  They decided that they have enough business working with the Rich County, Bear Lake County, and Garden City.  They will be able to give better service to customers in this area.  They should be moved in by July 27.

The State has given five million dollars to build a better entrance to the Harbor.  In addition, they have another three million to do several other smaller things that will enhance travel through the Garden City area.  On August 3, there will be a legislative retreat here in Garden City to do an environmental study to make sure the three million will be used wisely.

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