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Friday, August 3, 2018

Garden City Planning Commission

Anita Weston, Reporter
Rich Civic Times

GARDEN CITY, Utah. August 1, 2018. Developer Chris Surian is asking that his property, Water’s Edge, located at 50 South to 150 South Bear Lake Boulevard be changed from C1 and Beach Development Zone to C1 for the entire PUD.  This would allow Surian to build his indoor water park going as high as 35 feet.  After a brief discussion, it was determined that the water park be the only building going higher than 25’.  The motion was made and approved to change this property to the C1 Zone.

Howard Pope, CentraCom, reported that a wireless tower has been built near Harbor Village.  It is 30’ high.  There was one individual who said that the tower blocked his view of the lake and asked if it could be moved.  Pope noted that the tower could be moved.  However, it would cost between $8,000 to $10,000.  Pope told the individual that the tower could be moved but he would be responsible for paying for moving the tower.

This tower gives many people twice as fast service with half the usual cost.  CentraCom has an easement to that location, along with a right-of-way, as well as permission from most of the citizens in that area.  The location for the power was close to the tower as well as a transformer and fiber optic lines.  Pope had a picture taken from the individual’s window.  It does block a small portion of the view.  The Commission Members looked at the picture and noted that they didn’t think it interfered with the view that much and thought the location a good one.

Pope thanked that the Commission for their support.  He also said that he appreciated the fact that he could provide good service for the people in the area.

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