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Monday, September 11, 2023

Laketown Town Council Meeting Minutes from August 9th

  Laketown Town Council Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 
August 9, 2023
Laketown City Office
10 North 200 East Laketown, Utah

Mayor Burdette Weston welcomed those present and called the meeting to order at 7:01p.m. on Wednesday, August 9, 2023. Those present are as follows: Mayor Burdette Weston, Council Members Eldon Robinson, Brandon Willis, Kris Hodges, Delora Wight and Clerk Alice Jackson. Those present in the room: Planning and Zoning Chairman Duane Robinson, Heidi Hodges with activity committee chairman. Members from the community attending are: Debbie Boyer, Steve Meyers, Michael Fuhriman, Jeff Brimhall, Kellie Brimhall, Susan Dolemba, Dan Stringham. Dennis Hodges from P&Z. 
OPENING CEREMONY: Brandon conducted the opening ceremony and Delora led the pledge of allegiance. 
ACTION: Agenda: Mayor asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Motion made by Delora seconded by Eldon. Motion carried unanimously.
ACTION: Mayor called for a motion to approve the minutes from July 5, 2023. closed session Brandon made the motion seconed by Kris. Motion carried unanimously.
QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FOR MAYOR AND COUNCIL: Any person wishing to comment on any item not otherwise on the agenda may address the town council at this point by addressing the mayor and town council and giving his or her name and address for the record. Comments should be limited to not more than three (3) minutes, unless additional time is authorized by the mayor. Citizen groups will be asked to appoint a spokesperson. This is the time and place for any person who wishes to comment on non-agenda items. Some items brought forward to the attention of the town council will be turned over to the clerk to provide a response outside of the town council meeting.

Steve Meyers addressed the council regarding applying for a building permit for a barn on his property. He noted that Duane mentioned an ordinance that stated there must be a home on the property before a barn can be built. Steve located the ordinance and is satisfied. 


Rodeo Review/Lessons Learned
-	Alice circulated the revenue stats to the mayor and council comparing 2022 with 2023.
-	More toilets will be needed next year (6 toilets this year)
-	Kris suggested we need more seats and only sell tickets for what we have seats for. Steve Jakson did a rudimentary count and calculated about 2400 seat with about 200- on the mountain. Mayor suggested that the seats get painted with numbers placed on them. Selling general admission tickets and then open seating (mountain seating)
-	Need to have the availability to use credit cards next year.
-	Kris talked about saving seats. Some think this should not be done.
-	Eldon noted 800 cars with an average of 3.5 people per car per his calculations there would have been 2800 people in attendance. The weather was good, so the crowd was big. 
-	Per the mayor, in order to add more seats, it will take some engineering to add more seats above the stock on Southeast side. There may be some space to add a wedge of seats between the two new sets of bleachers added last year. 
-	Eldon noted that we had a great rodeo but there were complaints regarding over selling rodeo tickets and it being too crowded. 
-	List row and the number on the tickets and seats per the mayor
-	We are opening up ourselves to liability due to how many people were packed in the seats and moving people with side by sides. 
-	No handicapped parking or seating was a complaint.
-	Discussion was held about raising the prices of the tickets next year.
-	Discussion was held about adding a third night and doing something different on the Thursday night like a small-town rodeo, 4 wheelers etc.  Maybe have a night with Mutton Bustin. Kris suggested a ranch rodeo.
-	Mayor suggested a junior rodeo.
-	Eldon is still working on receipt for unpaid sponsors.
-	A different process needs to be developed for the pigs. They need to be 'fresher'. They do better in twos.

All the items noted above will be discussed again in advance of next year's rodeo.

Heidi Hodges-Activity Committee Rodeo Update
-	Concessions made approximately $22,900 in revenue selling food and t shirts. With expenses they estimate they made about $14,000. She needs to reserve money for taxes.
-	Waivers for Bounce Houses Completed-End of summer party was fun.  
-	No Wi-Fi or power issues.
*Action Item-Alice to call CentraCom to cancel the WiFi at the rodeo grounds. 

Action Items From Previous Meeting
-	Council: What should the fee be for individuals that don't have a water share to bring to the town. Mayor suggests we ask Scott about this.
-	Dan-Purchase insulation cap for Esterholdt's-Not done.
-	Eldon/Alice-Rodeo arena repair update. Alice sent the invoices to the user with no response. Mayor will contact this individual.
-	Eldon/Alice/Heidi-Concession stand electricity. The lights were fixed with a new breaker. The electrician suggested that the breaker and meter should be replaced.
-	Eldon-Electrician needed for concession stand. They talked about increasing the N of breakers. There is room in the box if we want to run more we will have to run new wires.
-	Eldon-Provide square footage to Kris for area in park that needs to be skinned. 128 cubic yards need to be moved. Jeff is interested in moving the material. The material will be delivered on 12th of September. 
-	Eldon-Sanitation. Eldon visited with Lynn. *Action Item-Alice to set up the meeting.

Max Boyer via Zoom began at 7:45pm.
Max addressed the council stating that he does not have enough water pressure to run his sprinkler system. He would like to move his meter up on his property. Jeff Brimhall has reviewed the pressure and confirmed they don't have enough pressure. Discussion was held regarding the size of the line. Max would like a 2-inch line. Mayor asked if there is enough pressure with increasing to a 2-inch line. Mayor said the cost involved would be to have two holes dug. Box and meter would be the same. Mayor and council gave approval to move forward. *Action Item-Jeff to provide a bid to do the work.  Mayor stated that it's not the city's responsibility to pay for the costs to move the meter. Max is asking for the city to pay to have one of the holes dug. Eldon wants further discussion on Max moving from a 3/4 in to one inch meter. Are we going to set this precedence? Max to work with Jeff to get the cost before they move forward. Dan was asked for his input. Max read from the code. Dan said that Max has a one-inch meter and Boyers have more pressure than anyone in town. Debbie states she is using too much water because they don't have enough pressure.  Town is responsible for the meter and homeowner is responsible from there. Eldon stated that if they have a one-inch meter he has no problem with them moving the meter to their property.
Action: Mayor asked for a Motion to approve the Boyer's to move their meter with the caveat that there needs to be a written agreement in place that the Boyers are responsible from the shut off valve to their home and the city and has permission to access the property to the meter to do any meter repairs. Brandon made the motion. Eldon seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

Gary McKee arrived at 8:09pm, Dan Stringham arrived at 8:11pm. Debbie Boyer left the meeting at 8:10pm.

Josh Oldman joined the meeting via Zoom at 8:32pm. 

Discussion began with Gary stating that they would like to move forward with option #4 (per a letter to Laketown dated April 18, 2023, from Sunrise).
Mayor asked about the right of way. Gary asked if they could move forward with option #4. Eventually, they will need to get the property owner's permission. Eldon noted that Gary needs to be aware of where the Laketown irrigation line is located. Discussion took place regarding developing a 10 year pioneer agreement. Scott will propose the rate. Mayor is OK with the pioneer agreement as long as it's reasonable. Scott Archibald has experience with this.

ACTION: Eldon made the motion to approve Option #4 and establish a pioneer agreement for 10 years contingent upon landowners.  Landowners need to be researched further but might be Hal Weston, Lamborn, Gomez, Brad Willis. Motion seconded by Brandon. Motion carried unanimously.
Continuation of Action Items From Previous Meeting:
-	Brandon-Contact Justin RE document for Hal Weston. Not Done.
-	Brandon-Check with Garden City about road repair: Garden City did the slurry because they could not get anyone to do the chip seal. Slurry lasts 3-5 years chip seal lasts 5-7 years. Chip seal is more expensive. Mayor feels we may not be able to get it done this year. The plan will be to complete this by the end of next summer. *Action Item-Brandon to make calls to be sure this gets done in the spring of 2024.
-	Alice/Council-List of residence that pre-paid for water hook-ups. How to move forward. Dallas Clark, Rick Larsen, Gary McKee, Dan Stringham. About 15 years ago when the water impact fees were raised: Alice questioned the council why it's important to confirm the list-It's important because they should be paying a monthly water fee. *Action Item-Alice to continue to look.

Planning & Zoning- Chairman Duane Robinson
-	Subdivision Ordinance Update: Alice, Duane and Brandon are continuing to meet with Kendall to finish this ordinance.
-	Charles Nak contacted Duane. Their home has partially been built on the Robinson property. They need to adjust the home boundaries. Robinsons are willing to so a trade. The home is on a little smaller plot than an acre. Duane asked the mayor and council to see if this is ok. Permission granted.
-	Kelly and Jeff Brimhall are applying for building permit clearance for an addition to their home. They would like to increase from 16 foot to 20 foot per drawing attached to the form.
ACTION: Motion to approve the Brimhall build as presented. Motion made by Kris, Delora seconded.  Motion carried unanimously. Alice to send scanned fully signed form to the County. 

-	An individual attended the P&Z meeting and wants to build in the commercial zone. May be a landscape business. Land is located east of the Gomez road, right next to the road. It's a 2 acre piece of ground.
-	Scott Johnson will come into P&Z meeting next month to rebuild his barn with same footprint. 
-	Steve Meyers came in for possible shed. This was covered above.
-	Michael Fuhriman attended the last P& Z meeting to discuss building a cabin. His contractor contacted Duane. This property is next to a road that has questions about ownership of the road. It's either a county road, a city road or is owned by the cemetery. This issue needs to be worked through before his building permit clearance form can be processed. P&Z did not feel comfortable giving the building permit clearance form due to issues with the said road. Michael contacted the county (Marilyn) and she stated this road is a city road, however the Pugmire's don't agree. Property owners need to figure out who owns the road and come back to the P&Z.
*Action Item-Brandon to find out if we have been getting money for this road and contact our attorney and Marilyn to determine who in fact owns this road.
Water Updates - Delora Wight
-	Repair of Leroy Gomez' Leaks. There is still a leak, and he is getting someone to fix it. 
-	Plan to Install 60 New Water Meters-Delora, Jeff and Dan met. Jeff will install all the meters. When he needs help, he will call Dan. When we order meters again, we need to order the caps. 
-	Courtney Robinson's Water Connection-This was completed yesterday. Dan hired a sub-contractor to complete this work. He worked under Dan's license. 
-	Back Flow Test Reports-Under state law there should be a backflow preventor on every property with a sprinkler system. Backflow reports should be completed each year and turned into the city. Currently, the only one the city has received is the LDS church.
-	Delora asked about the park and cemetary needing to have one.  
-	Drinking Water Revisions-Delora suggests that Jeff and Dan review together and then report back to the council. *Action Item-Delora will read the document and meet with Jeff and Dan.
-	Fall RWAU Conference-Starts on August 28. Jeff to meet with Alice to register.
*Action item-Dan to take care of Esterholdts cap
-	Wayne and Melanie Merrill who live at 151 N 200 East, want to reconnect their water. The fee will be $225.00. Form was completed. *Action Item-Alice to send them an invoice for this fee.
Roads & Streets Updates - Brandon Willis-No updates

Park & Recreation Updates - Kris Hodges
-	Ball diamond bids are moving forward. The temporary fence is being stored in Eldon's shed. This may be the only place big enough to store it. 
-	TRT Application-Kris will complete this and have it ready to submit by the deadline, September 1, 2023. Labor for an electrician needs to be included in the application. In addition, per the mayor, money for more bleachers should be added to this application.
Rodeo & Arena Updates - Eldon Robinson-Covered above

-	Bear Lake Regional Commission Report: Introduced a new fish biologist.
-	Insurance Sharing with Fire Department. Budda to respond to the mayor.
-	Sunrise Invoice ($809.75). Mayor to speak with Scott about this old invoice (3years old)
-	TRT Projects for 2023-Park and Bleachers. Eric has a company that will provide the materials. We will also need the labor costs from Eric. Alice reminded that all invoices are due no later than November 1, 2023.            
-	needs to be billed by Nov 1
-	Water Bills for Stringham and Nak: The mayor spoke to each council member individually and the decision was made to send the normal billing amounts. *Action Item-Alice to work with Pelorus to reduce to $144.00 and send out.
-	Mayor to speak to Cody about re-reading both meters. 
-	Delora noted that Wes and Kelly's meters need to be re-read as well.

-	Goodrich Home: Alice sent two certified letters that have been returned. Jeff has turned the water off. 
-	Cache Valley Bank Rodeo Account. * Alice Action item-Work with Cache Valley Bank to ensure the Rodeo Account is an interest bearing account (3%).
-	Ticket Sales-See above
-	Subdivision Ordinance-See above
-	Revised Business License Ordinance-Will be sent out to mayor and council for their review. Justin has completed his edits.

Aging Report: Alice contacted every homeowner on this list either by phone or email.
-	The Rodeo Sponsor Payments List was circulated. There are still several sponsors that had banners that have not paid. Eldon will contact them.
-	Letter to the governor-Rob White contacted the mayor and will meet with the mayor Friday at 1pm. Kiera called the mayor today.
-	Water Infrastructure Project. This is a government grant that we should apply for a well in Laketown, *Action Item-Delora, Scott and Brandon will work on this.

Budgets were circulated to the mayor and council. Delora asked about the rodeo budget. A light discussion was held about the rodeo contractor, clown fees. No other questions were raised. 
ACTION: Motion to approve the budget made by Brandon. Seconded by Delora. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made by Kris to approve the bills. Seconded by Brandon. Motion carried 

Brandon asked about the state law regarding back flow reports. Scott might be able to clarify.
Kris would like to discuss a new rodeo sign at the next meeting.
Delora requested a thank you note be signed and sent to Robyn Esterholdt.
A resident complained about motorcycles, side by sides that are speeding up mill canyon. 
*Action Item-Alice to respond to her and let her know that she should call the sheriff if it continues to be an issue. 
*Action Item-Alice call Terrick about how much protection we have from our meters.


ADJOURN: Motion to Adjourn made by Eldon. Seconded by Brandon. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 11:33pm.


Notice of Special Accommodations:

NOTICE OF SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION DURING PUBLIC MEETINGS In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify the town clerk three days before the meeting, so arrangements can be made.

Notice of Electronic or telephone participation:


Contact information:

Amber Droesbeke ,, (435)946-9000

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