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Thursday, October 23, 2014

GARDEN CITYTammy Calder VS Bryce Huefner

No To Government Interference
My heart beats with a desire to control my own destiny.  The Constitution of the United States of America gives me the ability to work out my own life's story because of its design to limit government and empower individuals.  I love the freedom to become whatever I choose and if I fail a time or two then at least I had the opportunity to try.   

America is the greatest nation on the earth.  There is no doubt we have problems but when any other nation is compared to America, there isn't even a close second. As a people, we are innovative and industrious.  We have wonderful natural resources and infrastructure.  We are kind and generous, but perhaps our greatest assets are our history, limited government and faith in God. 

The founding fathers were men of faith in God.  They believed in and understood the potential in each individual and sought to preserve men's God given natural rights.  Today we are a faithful people, but too much of our faith is focused on climate change, non discrimination, money, power, the human body, government and the list goes on and on.   Faith, according to Merriam-Webster is a "strong belief or trust in someone or something".    We have faith in and worship at the alter of all these gods when we measure mans worth according to these gods' dogma.

What does this have to do with individuals today?  Across all types of people, political parties, educated or not, and rich or poor; people are loosing faith in the God of our founding fathers and hence are loosing faith in ourselves and others.  This is evident when we as a people ask the government to do something for us that we can do ourselves or should do ourselves. If we accomplish difficult things we can regain hope and faith in ourselves, others and God.  It might be difficult, we may have to wait or do without and we might fail a time or two but it strengthens us.

We must stop asking for free money.  It is dangerous to our freedom.  It doesn't matter what the cause is, whether it be the children, the poor, the aged, the fish, the fire department, the city, the environment, the snail, none of these things are worth our individual freedom. When we get money from someone there are always strings attached and often the strings are little but we all know that when enough strings are bound together it becomes a rope and will strangle us.  We ask our government to strengthen and tighten the rope every time we ask for money. Politicians buy our votes with money and like a drug, it's never enough.

I am running for school board in Garden City.  I want it to be clear where I stand. I say no to government interference in our community no matter how much money the combination gives us individually or as a district. I want the state to get the federal government out of our schools.  The state has the power to say no but do we as a people have the will power to make it happen?

I read the letter sent recently to Governor Herbert by Rich Kendall requesting we stay in common core because if we don't then we are stuck with "no child left behind". We shouldn't be stuck at all. The federal money Utah receives is between 6% and 8% of the k12 budget. Let's get tough and get out. In the letter he lists all school board members in the state who want to continue Common Core. All five of our current Rich County School District board members are listed.  We obviously will give anything away to get money, even in conservative, cowboy Rich County.  Historically cowboys are admired throughout the world. Why?  Because they worked hard, took a chance, were independent, strong and took care of their families and communities.   Cowboys could start with nothing and end with wealth and respect.  That is the heritage of Rich County!  It seems many of us have turned away from that heritage. 

We should be an example of how to get it done with out government intrusion, money or corruption.  We don't need to bow to an alter of money.  Please do not renew the NCLB waiver!  Please get us ENTIRELY out of federal programs and money so that we as a state, as schools, as parents can help our children shape their own destiny. 

My heart beats with the desire for freedom, let's get it done. 

Bryce Huefner


Hello residents of Rich County.  For those of you who don't know me, my name is Tammy Calder (Tamalyn E. Calder on the ballot) and I am running for school board member in the Garden City precinct.  

I have served on the Rich School Board for 16 years and would love to continue to serve you and your children for another term.  There is a common theme in the political arena at this time that it is "time for change", and I couldn't agree more.  There is ample room for both change and improvement in many of our governing bodies.  With that in mind, I am asking you to re-elect me at this time because of my stability,experience, and desire to offer our children the best education possible in this ever-changing and challenging world.

I believe strongly in keeping a small-town atmosphere and work ethic in our schools, while still preparing our students to compete in a global work force. I bring a "feminine" view point to our current board that includes four male counterparts, which is important in decision making.  

I do not believe in making political promises to sway your vote.  I will tell you that I will do everything in my power to make the best choices possible in educating our children, spending our tax dollars wisely, keeping a balanced budget, and constantly monitoring policies and procedures while making changes when necessary.  I am more than happy to listen to your concerns and discuss alternatives to current methods of instruction.  

I believe our administration and teaching staff is second to none and that they truly have the best interest of educating our children foremost in their minds and in their hearts.  I have lived in 
this community since 1983 and am proud to call it "home".

 I would appreciate your vote of trust and confidence in serving you with another term on the Rich School Board.  Thank you.

Tammy Calder

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