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Monday, August 27, 2018

Eighteen Wheeler Philosophy

My woman, My woman, My man!
By Mel Hansen, The Eighteen Wheeler Philosopher

My pretty little wife finally decided she would ride with me down to San Antonio. She hasn't gone with me for 8 or 9 months.  I love having her along!..she's my good luck charm.  She precooks
delicious homemade meals, etc to put back twice the weight in one trip that's taken me all winter to loose! She's just pure entertainment!

Saturday morning I woke up early at the truck stop to fuel for the day. I woke her, always a possible hostile situation there, and suggested that she might want to hit the ladies room whilst I fuel. She agreed.

After fueling I pulled away from the pumps and parked the truck and hightailed it to the store to get a few things...use the men's room, and escort my pretty little wife back to the truck because she wouldn't see where I had parked.

When I entered the store, my pretty little wife was there to meet me with that "LOOK!" we husbands all get right before we're about to have our " arress's " handed to us for unknowingly, knowingly, causing our wives great discomfort and distress!

I knew she was too ladylike to dress me down in public, so I purchased a few items and asked her to hold them for me,  (Really could've been an explosive response, had she been truly mad at me.) whilst I used the men's room. She took the bag and left me intact for the moment.

When I returned, I disarmed her by taking the bag of items from her, took her by the hand, a surrendering display of love on my behalf!  And we headed for the truck. In so doing, she looks up at me and says, "SO!!" 

Here it comes, I think  to my own self and begin to formulate explanations for doing whatever it was I didn't realize I had done, she continued: “I went into the ladies room, went to the last stall, which was too disgusting to use, and went to the next one. When I came out of the stall, there's a MAN at the counter washing his hands!!  I couldn’t imagine the reason he deemed it necessary to use the ladies room! I walked up to the basin, he turned and looked at me, grinned and shrugged his shoulders. I shot him by best look of disgust!  As soon as he left, another man came walking in, grinned and started washing HIS hands! Then it dawned on me, could I possibly be in the men's bathroom?  I asked the man if I was in the men's bathroom, he said, 'yes,  and I was wondering why the guy who just left was grinning and shrugging his shoulders! He told me not to worry, nowadays you can use any restroom you want, depending on what sex you feel you are when the urge hits you!'"

I was laughing so hard by the time we got to the truck. I asked her, "Babe! Didn't you notice the three urinals mounted on the wall!?  Ya had to pass them before you reached the stalls!"

"NO!  And I was wondering why the toilet seats were up in the stalls too!", was her meek reply!
Yep! Truckin with my Babe is an adventure.  I knew she would do or say something noteworthy before the trip was over, just didn't think it would be less than 24 hours into the trip is all!

I love my pretty little wife! She's the joy of my life and I can't imagine my life without her! She's a Keeper!!

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