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Saturday, September 1, 2018

Pickleville Philosophy

Wild Cats
By Jim Stone, The Pickleville Philosopher

About 13 years ago in the middle of winter when it was about 23 degrees below,  I went to take the garbage out and even though I wasn’t going anywhere I like to start the truck up and just let it warm up.

So I went to start the truck up and saw  a cat with his head stuck in a Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup can. The cat was totally wild.  I had to pin the cat down with a heavy thistle broom and then I had to pull the Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup can off its head.

So I named the cat, Miss Mischievous.

The next day the cat got stuck in another can trying to get that last little bit of good stuff that we try to shake out of the bottom of the can. But nope, shake, shake, shake. Nope, there’s still just a tidbit in the bottom of the can. It hadn’t learned a thing.  So I unstuck it again.

I love to hunt and harvest wild, fair chase fish and animals, humanely, but when it’s not fair chase putting good wholesome food on your table to nourish and strengthen our bodies is getting to be a rare thing.  Maybe even for cats.

My point is these wild cats are so spoiled.  I wish they would let me pet them.  But one thing we all have to remember is that we can all help wild things but we must just let wild things stay wild.

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