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Monday, October 22, 2012

Cisco Sonar by Bryce Nielson

Box Elder Bugs are Democrat Bugs?

 Dead Box Elder Bugs Pile
Bob's comments about his battle with Box Elder bugs started me thinking about these miserable critters.  I am equally interested in insects as I am in moose.  They are commonly known by entomologists as "scentless plant bugs" which is a misnomer because the can release a pungent odor to repel predators.  They are around all of the time feeding on plant leaves but are not seen in large numbers until fall when the adults start to seek out areas to overwinter. 

They are also known (Bobbie will love this) as "Democrat bugs" because they show up in October near the elections.   They love to suck the fluid of the seeds of Box Elder trees and other member of the Acer family which include maples.  They can fly up to two blocks so forget about cutting down trees to minimize their numbers.  This fall I noticed huge concentrations feeding on the seed pods of my lilac bushes.  I promptly sprayed them with permethrin which kills them immediately and is safe to use around everything else.  They hit the ground by the thousands.  I then sprayed around the house foundation and under the vinyl siding which seems to be a preferred wintering site.

 They love warm south facing buildings and Bob, I hate to tell you this but that is not "tobacco juice" on the side of your house, it is excrement.  Their numbers are highest after hot, dry summers and frost free fall which means to me that the prettier the leaves the more Box Elder bugs.  I would love to tell you that my pesticide treatment (for the chemophobes use a vacuum) solved the problem but it didn't. There continued to arrive.  Now I can deal with them outside but when I pour of cups of coffee in the morning and find one swimming in the cup my mood changes.  Not much we can do but tolerate them and hope for cold weather when the ones lucky enough to find a crack to stay in will survive and the others will perish.   
(Bobbie Coray Comment:  I hate these bugs so much I go out and spray them with Pledge furniture wax and watch them drop. )   

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