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Monday, October 22, 2012

Traditional Halloween Party at Garden City KOA

The Halloween bash for kids and wanna be kids is on Wednesday, October 31 at 4:30 pm. because it is a school night.  So the costume parade will start promptly at 4:30!

For the wanna be kids, come decorate a cabin.  We've done this for years now with a group of friends and we sit around a fire passing out candies to the little ones and it is truly fun.  No one can compete with the England's amazing decoration...but we love doing it and getting to know 200 kids from all over Rich County and Fish Haven.  Thats why it is nice to have friends come.

This year there will be doughnuts and hot chocolate and lots of games and activities.
At 6:30 trick-or-treating will start.

If anyone would like to decorate a cabin please let Tonya Peterson  know.

1 comment:

JSSox said...

I am just double checking, so they are serving donuts and hot chocolate, but will not be serving any kind of dinner.