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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Rich School Board Meeting

Reported by Anita Weston

October 18, 2012 - RANDOLPH - The High Sports Schedules were approved by the Board. Two ladies have been hired to supervise and monitor activities.  They also are currently working for the School District on the cleaning crew.  The two jobs are considered separate and must remain that way.   

Currently the School Board had a fund titled Building Reserve Fund.  Monies have been placed in this account set aside to be spent on building projects only.  Each year auditors recommend that this account be done away with and all monies be placed into the capital budget fund.  After a brief discussion, the Board decided to keep this account separate from other capital budget expenditures.  What they are doing is not contrary to law and allows the district to hold a hearing and get public input when and if they decide to spent the Building Reserve Fund.

The school lunch coordinator was able to apply for some government monies that will allow the school to purchase healthy snacks for the students.  She was able to get $7,128 of state monies.  This can be used to purchase fruits and vegetables that will give the students additional food items during the school day. 

The school has decided to take advantage of a software package titled “School Messenger.”  This software is part of the student information system and will be installed on a server at the School Messenger location but gives the principals and superintend control of the system..  It can generate reports on attendance for grades 6 - 12, not only for each day but for every class attended.  Messages can be sent to alert parents when a snow day has been called.  This will include e-mail, telephone, cell phone, texting, facebook, and all other social media capabilities.  In addition, if a bus breaks done when on an activity; the parents of only those students on that particular bus can be contacted.  When contacts are made, the software keeps a log so that it is known whether parents received the information or not.  There are additional features that are available for use as well.  The capability of this software appears to be good and will make keeping in touch with schools, students, and parents much easier. 

Some of the School Board Members requested that they be issued an IPOD for the information needed to be prepared for School Board Meetings.  It was noted that perhaps not everyone would be interested in such a system.  It was decided that Tammy Calder and Burdette Weston would use their personal IPODS to see if it could be done before such a decision is made. 

There are 481 students enrolled in the Rich County School System this year.  This is down ten from last year.  There are currently 27 seniors at the high school.


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