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Sunday, January 10, 2021

Pickleville Philosophy

By Jim Stone

Hi you guys.  I’m being held against my wishes buy two mean vicious dogs.  Spruce and Oak have turned into grizzly bears at even the thought of leaving Alaska.   They’re having no part of it.  It’s been an adventure this week. There are so many challenges every day.

One of the biggest challenges has been showering, but I found a little boat dock that has a pay shower. It's about four dollars for seven minutes. One thing I learned really fast is to get soaped up and rinsed off before your time runs out. If you don’t have any more quarters you're in trouble.

Another challenge has been doing laundry. There’s a laundromat about 100 miles from where our camp is. So I had to come up with an invention to do laundry.   I call it the slish slosh. It’s a 20 gallon cooler that I pour 5 gallons of only the freshest spring water in, and then add some Downy Fresh laundry soap and a splash of bleach than add my underwear and socks and shut the lid.  The unique thing about this Alaskan bush washing machine called the slish slosh is it takes no power to run and man does it get your clothes clean.  It works best on long bumpy roads on the way fishing.  If there are any unwanted skid marks on your undies or an extra strong order on your socks all ya got to do is hit the gas in your truck while traveling down most any bumpy road.  It’s cool as you drive you can hear this new invention just slish sloshing away.  It slishes and sloshes all the dirt and stains rite away.  After a good slish sloshing in this amazing new style of washing machine you simply pull off to a fresh water spring,  rinse you're undies and socks off, then hang them in your truck on the rear view mirror, turn on the defroster and in no time at all,   downy fresh undies and socks.  It really works if any one decides to get a patent on this fabulous invention please cut us dogs in on some of the profits so we can stay up here and go on some more fun adventures. 

We all sure hope you guys are all doing good. Us dogs are sending all of our best wishes, prayers and the biggest smiles we can send.  


Lisa M Carter Halsey said...

Love that you’re having a great time there. Proud of you for following your dreams. ♥️

Kutnkudlys' Kreations said...

Love you buddy! Miss you!